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Tag: winterstyle

Why your kids are not playing outside in winter and how you can fix it.

‘’Mom, where are all the kids?’’ My then 2 ½ year old son asked me as we did our usual playground outing near our house. 

Honestly, I probably wouldn’t have given it a conscious thought if he hadn’t pointed this fact with concern and a little disappointment.  ‘’I don’t know’’ was the only and real answer I could tell him.  

I could have made up some excuses ‘’it’s nap time, it’s lunch time, the kids are at school, the kids are on vacation or even maybe they went to another park…’’ But what was the point.

It seems that kids and parents (who need to accompany their kids) are not that interested or too lazy to go outside. 

So that is when I started documenting every time we went to a playground last Fall up until recently this Winter.