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Tag: pink

A Feel Good, Look Good Minimalist Wardrobe



About a month ago I had an interesting conversation.

It was fashion revolution week and I was looking for new reading/listening material that would inspire me for future blog posts.  I happened to find a lot of books that talked about the high cost of fashion, fast fashion and what really goes on behind the scenes. My brother who is living a minimalist lifestyle, which includes his limited wardrobe (do I really need 10 t-shirts when I can only wear 2?).  After all, we know that very creative entrepreneurs, hum hum, Mark Zuckerberg and the late Steve Jobs kept wearing the same basic outfit (basic t-shirt or turtleneck with jeans).  During our conversation, my brother mentioned that he had read that the fashion industry was one of the most polluted industries.


Being that I like to think that I am very eco-conscious, I recycle like crazy, try to eat clean food, try to shop more locally, I donate to Greenpeace efforts and support other environmentally friendly ways of living, this notion was nevertheless a little shocking.

I thought okay, how can someone that loves fashion adapt it’s closet to a more minimalist way of living without losing it’s colorful style?

In other words: « How can I apply this perspective to fashion without losing the fashion??? »

It may sound contradictory yet I had an Ah ha! moment that finds a way to combine both in a simple way.