The screen is not the cause, it’s the symptom. Sonia Livingstone Hey there fellow tech-savvy mama! Let’s face it, we’re all guilty of being glued to our screens and now with kids in tow, the screen time debate is driving us up the wall! But don’t fret, we’re in this…
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My negative emotions are positive? Did I read this correctly?… Hey, hey, hey! Listen up! – I’ve got something important to share with you. You see, we all have a dark side. Maybe you’re trying to hide it away or distract yourself from it, but the truth is that those…
Comments closedToday’s guest came highly recommended by many many moms. If you haven’t heard about her yet then you’re in for a treat because she is not only funny, incredibly honest and transparent about her life but also has the experience to back up what she’s sharing with you today about…
Comments closedLife Is Tough But So Are You! That’s the biggest takeaway I hope you’ll get from listening to this episode with this week’s guest Ashley Adams, how a mother of 2 little ones struggled for years with thoughts of shame, fears and hope that her married/family dream life would turn…
2 Comments‘Do you want more kids?’ or are you on the fence about how many kids you want to have or should even conside having??? OR is the question of should my child have siblings your main concern. These are all very common questions that we think about as married women…
Comments closedHave you ever wondered what makes the difference in a child’s life to succeed? Why do some kids crumble under the pressure or when things get tough while others thrive? What do parents need to teach kids in order to raise them to be mentally strong humans? Believe it or…
1 CommentIn this episode 5, part 2, I finish my interview with the happy and motivated mama of 5 Juliette Brun and founder, creator and all in between of the 9 chocolate restaurants in the Montreal region of Quebec, Canada, Juliette & Chocolat. Today we talk more about building her business,…
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