Last updated on June 3, 2023
Are you married? (Doesn’t matter how long it’s been)
Are you engaged?
Are you in a life partnership, however you choose to define it?
Are you tired of complaining, bickering, being annoyed by some things that your partner is doing, saying or worst not doing and not saying?? Well, listen up ladies because this episode comes requested by a few of you mamas. It seems we can all learn a thing or two on how to make our relationships better and stronger.
So press play because this one has a few ‘OMG, why didn’t anyone tell me this!’ moments.
Know that you haven’t tried everything.
Winifred Reilly
She’s been categorized as an unconventional couples therapist in how she speaks about couples, married life and what it honestly takes to have a loving and lasting relationship with your spouse….even the most difficult ones she says and the ones who cheat are not out of luck! Ladies, Mamas….this one is for you and for all of the married, committed and separated women that are looking to get to the root of their relationship conflicts with their spouse.
So here’s the 101 on this week’s guest, Winifred Reilly is author of the book ‘It takes One To Tango : How I rescued My Marriage with (Almost) No Help from My Spouse and How You Can, Too’ (see link below in ressources). This honest & experimental self-help/unconventional memoir is sure to capture your attention!
She’s located in California, a licensed marriage and family therapist with over 40 years experienced who specializes in issues such as sexuality, commitment, trust issues, intimacy, conflicts and affairs. A mother of 2 and 40 years married to the same partner. She’s written many articles about relationships which you will find in the Ressources Section below.
When you don’t know what else to do…. the answer is not always couples therapy.
Are you tired of arguing with your partner about the same issues over and over again? It can be frustrating when your spouse cheats, lies, or does things that annoy you, and even more so when couples therapy seems to have little or no effect. But before you consider separating or taking a break, let me tell you about Winifred’s 5 steps to a lasting relationship that could save your marriage.
I know, I know, you’re thinking, “Yeah, right. Another relationship guru with a magic solution.” But hold on a minute, because Winifred’s approach is different. She’s not just some self-proclaimed expert, but someone who has tested and refined her method over 30 years of marriage to a conflict-prone partner.
Now, she’s sharing her secrets in a book so that you too can apply her five simple steps to transform your relationship. And the best part? You don’t even need to go to couples therapy or spend a fortune to make it work.
So, if you’re ready to break the cycle of arguments and build a lasting, fulfilling relationship with your partner, then give Winifred’s method a try. You never know, it might just be the solution you’ve been searching for!
It’s about how you handle your differences.
The main issue is that we all need to act like grown ups a little more when if comes to dealing with conflicts or disagreements in our relationship with our partner. Yes, that’s right! You might be living in a house, have a job, have kids, and feel independent, yet how you react to your partners less than desirable behaviors or words or angry outbursts might not be the best you.
It’s becoming curious about yourself, your reactions and less focused on your partners obvious reactions or lack of. Winifred goes all into it in this podcast conversation giving you her best relationship advice.
Marriage is not 50/50 like we are made to believe.
This one is a big one!! I honestly couldn’t believe it when I read it, obviously I had to ask her what does it mean marriage not being 50/50. What we’ve been told about equality, fair partnerships and about the unconscious marriage rules that you might be following which are not helping you in your relationship.
You don’t have to be married to listen to this, as long as you are looking to have a better, more connected, more loving and lasting relationship then this one is a DEFINITE MUST LISTEN!! Share it with your friends!
Apple Podcast (LEAVE A REVIEW HERE) / Spotify / Soundcloud / Stitcher
What You’ll Hear In This Episode:
0-6:00 Intro
7:00 How you can know if your relationship is worth saving
9:00 Are couples calling it quits too quickly or are you bailing before you’ve considered all of your options?
11:45 What to do if couples therapy hasn’t helped you?
15:20 Misconceptions about marriage that can hurt your relationship
16:15 It’s not 50/50 in a marriage and why this belief will hurt your couple
20:00 The concept of not giving up when your partner isn’t interested in fixing your relationship
21:40 When you think you and your partner should agree
22:30 You need to work on yourself first instead of your survival and here’s how Winifred did it.
27:00 When you think your partner starts all of the fights or arguments.
27:40 The first step you should take is what am I doing?
30:10 Why most people are afraid to look at themselves to understand why they have conflicts in their relationship.
32:20 When your partner is a yeller, yells during arguments… how to deal with it.
33:20 The advanced skill of marriage and in a relationship is how to deal with disappointments
35:40 What to do when your partner (aka most men) is not interested in talking about feelings, emotions or discussing conflictual issues.
40:10 It takes patience, having a great relationship is not a quick fix. & having the last word
42:40 The 5 stages of a lasting loving relationship & How most couples get stuck at stage 2!
46:00 According to her this is why most couples get divorced.
48:00 How one mother of 5 shared how she wished she had gone to therapy by herself, worked on herself in order to save her marriage.
48:50 The bigger your reaction, the more it’s fed by something from your past.
50:20 How therapy helped my own relationship
51:45 Couples need to realize that struggle is normal.
53:30 Relationship struggles after having kids & tips for parents
54:00 How to deal with relationship struggles during COVID & when you’re in a bad mood
57:10 Her final tips for how to improve your relationship with your partner today
59:00 Where you can find out more about Winifred and her relationship articles.
1:00:20 The last question ‘keeping motherhood inspired what keeps you inspired and energized on your mom journey’
Connect With Our Guest:
Ressources Mentioned In This Episode:
- Book- It Takes One To Tango : How I saved My Marriage With (Almost) No Help From My Spouse and How You Can, Too
- Huffington Post Articles by Winifred
- If you like this episode, listen to this one next.
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Christiane xxx

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