The screen is not the cause, it’s the symptom.
Sonia Livingstone
Hey there fellow tech-savvy mama! Let’s face it, we’re all guilty of being glued to our screens and now with kids in tow, the screen time debate is driving us up the wall! But don’t fret, we’re in this together and today, we’re spilling the tea on a fresh perspective that’s bound to ease your anxiety.
We stumbled upon a rockstar mom, Sonia Livingstone, who is not only a mother of two but also a professor of social psychology at the London School of Economics and Political Science, and a media expert for over 30 years. Her latest book, ‘Parenting for a digital future: how hopes and fears about technology shape our children’s lives,’ is a must-read for parents looking for a new angle on the screen time debate. (see ressources below).
According to Sonia, there are three types of digital parents: those who embrace it, those who resist it, and those who balance it. Whichever one you are, it will have a significant impact on how your child learns, adapts, and connects in this digital world.
Sonia Livingstone
Are you trying to reproduce your own childhood?
But wait, are you trying to reproduce your own childhood? It’s food for thought, but you may find yourself pushing your child in a certain direction based on your own experience growing up.
It’s not the quantity that matters but the quality
Now, let’s address the elephant in the room – quantity versus quality. Most professionals will tell you that your kids shouldn’t be glued to their screens for long periods of time. But here’s the thing, it’s not about the quantity, it’s about the quality. Sonia’s extensive research has revealed that we should focus on the quality of the time spent on screens, not the quantity. So, it’s time to embrace technology and make it work for our families!
After chatting with Sonia, we’re feeling much more confident about navigating this digital world with our little ones. We hope you’ll find her insight just as helpful in creating fun-filled memories, some quiet time for us mamas, and using tech to share our interests and values with our kiddos. Cheers to embracing technology and using it to connect with our families in meaningful ways!
Happy listening!

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What You’ll Learn In This Episode:
0-6:00 Intro
6:00 Parents feel guilty about their kids screen time use is rising
8:15 We should be thinking about screen time differently
9:50 Why content is important during screen time…
12:30 How you should be evaluating your child’s behavior around their screen time
13:45 What about the official guidelines by the Pediatrics Society about how much screen time is good for kids….
15:55 Screen time rules are designed to fix one problem in kids
17:00 Screen time is failing to address the diversity of families
21:50 Tech-savvy parents should trust their instincts and tech know-how to teach their kids about the positives & negatives.
22:15 Parents that love technology or work with technology
23:00 Screen time and the developing brain
24:30 Why connection through screen time is important
25:30 What’s your parenting style around screen time?
27:15 The importance of joint media engagement
29:20 Sharing your values with your child using screens
29:45 How to reframe your parenting around screen time with teenagers
31:30 Using screen time for busy moms & busy families
33:30 Why shouldn’t you worry about your child’s screen time?
37:15 Do you embrace, reject or balance technology in your family?
42:20 Things you can do to keep your child safer online.
46:40 Children’s rights in the digital age & children’s privacy
49:00 What should you be doing now as a parent to keep your child safe online?
50:10 Should you create a social account for your child? When is it okay or not?
52:45 Using screens outside the home, in public places and while visiting family & relatives.
54:20 Where you can find more about Sonia Livingstone online.
55:20 The LAST Question
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Ressources Mentioned In This Episode:
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