I felt cheated when I became a mom. Seanay Berghuis Becoming a new mom is the most beautiful thing…. if you’re hesitating for even just a second then listen to this or if you’d like to be prepared for all of the emotions that can come with it…sorry to bust…
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Do you know that up to 80% of women will have the ‘baby blues’ after childbirth? Do you know that 1/5 women with a baby with experience postpartum depression within the first year after childbirth? It can happen to any women, PPD does not discriminate, so I’ll say it again,…
Comments closedI’m finally putting it all on the line in this episode and sharing my experience with how it really was for me becoming a mother, the transition, the secret, the learning curve, the mental strength to get to where I’m at today and the why behind starting this podcast for…
Comments closedThis mother is bold, joyful and has learned through her share of dark moments that ‘through following her heart’s nudges, she got out of her own way and became fully alive. I don’t have the option to quit, I don’t have the option to not show up. Jessica Janzen Joy…
Comments closedDescribed as one of the most visionary schools for early education. Have you ever struggled with confidence? … think about a moment when you wished you had the self-confidence to speak up, show up, do it, change it, leave it, take the next step or as some might say that…
Comments closedToday’s guest came highly recommended by many many moms. If you haven’t heard about her yet then you’re in for a treat because she is not only funny, incredibly honest and transparent about her life but also has the experience to back up what she’s sharing with you today about…
Comments closedIf your first instinct is…ughhh this topic is not for me, then it’s exactly RIGHT for you! Stay with me mamas, ladies… You deserve some ‘Oh So Good’ You Time! If you go back way back when I lived with my parents and even a few years after graduating high…
Comments closedDo you react to things without thinking?… If your like me then you probably do it more often then you’d like to admit it right? Well, there’s a very good explanation of it which might just make you feel a little better about it. Sometimes we get flooded with emotions…
1 CommentLife Is Tough But So Are You! That’s the biggest takeaway I hope you’ll get from listening to this episode with this week’s guest Ashley Adams, how a mother of 2 little ones struggled for years with thoughts of shame, fears and hope that her married/family dream life would turn…
2 CommentsWhat the images says it will be like… Have you read the section on breastfeeding yet in that heavy book given to all pregnant mamas… if so, did you seen all those images of how being a new breastfeeding mom will be like…holding your baby, smiling, while lovingly looking at…
Comments closedHave you ever judge someone…okay let me rephrase that, have you judged or gossip about someone this week? I have….yep, been there done that. Until a couple years ago I didn’t realize how much of a habit it had become when my partner told me bluntly ‘I don’t talk about…
Comments closedHave you ever pee’d in your pants jumping, laughing, or even just a few drips because you couldn’t hold it long enough to run to the bathroom? Okay, you might think this sounds a little gross or weird or childlike behavior BUT this is one very common problem among women…
Comments closedOkay, so I might know what you’re thinking you either camp on the ‘i’m no writer side’ OR you’re on the ‘i love to write, I journal every morning type of woman’. Well, both will work in this episode, if you aren’t particularly interested in writing a book or a…
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Maybe you’ve read headlines likes these in the media… ‘Working moms 40% more stressed than women without kids.’ ‘Why working moms fall behind’ ‘How can we talk about workplace equality when we still punish women for getting pregnant?’ ‘The pressure is real for working moms’ Okay, so I don’t want…
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