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Boat Ride in Rivière-du-Loup, Quebec

Last updated on July 29, 2018

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When you’re curious, you find a lot of interesting things to do.   Walt Disney


Do you have a bucket list?

There are a few things on my bucket list, ever since moving to Montreal over 10 years ago, I always wanted to go whale watching.  Quebec has a few great spots to view them, so I was waiting for the right time.  Well, sometimes when you want to do something for so long, your expectations are high and things do not go as planned.  My parents were in town so we decided to do it together with my kids.  If I didn’t have children, I would probably have gone on a smaller boat to be closer to the water.  However, I booked a larger 3 level boat with indoor eating area and seating for us.

Nevertheless, the morning of the boat ride, it was incredibly cloudy!  I barely saw the fins of 2 little whales which was a little disappointing but still happy to have seen something. 😀  I thought that going on a wednesday morning, it wouldn’t be busy, but boy oh boy was I wrong!  The boat was incredibly crowded due to 5, yes 5, large greyhound buses full of tourists that arrived shortly after us.

Ever since becoming a mother, I have become very flexible and comfortable with things not going as planned or being cancelled altogether.  So even though the weather was not on our side, being outside in the fresh air and most importantly on a boat with the sound of the water was a good change of scenery for all of us.

What is one of the things that you’ve wanted to do?  Please leave a comment below this post.

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It looks like the perfect storm but it was actually only very cloudy yet still warm and humid with a little bit of rain.

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